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Gentle Yoga & Meditation with Marissa Register View Cart

NEXT SESSION: (Mondays) January 27, 2025 

TIME:  9:30-10:30 AM

COST:  $60 Bedford Resident // $70 Non-Resident

LOCATION: Town Hall  (across the street from Bedford Library)

INSTRUCTOR:  Marissa McAleer, E-RYT-500 Certification.
Join us for this 6-week Gentle Yoga & Meditation class 
Class will focus on breath work, gentle stretching, classical yoga poses, and relaxation. No prior yoga experience required.
Please bring with you a yoga mat, water and a towel.
ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR:  Marissa is Reiki II attuned and a Personal Trainer certified through American Council on Exercise (ACE), a Senior Fitness Specialist and a Cancer Exercise Specialist.  Her areas of practice and teaching include Power Yoga, Vinyasa, Gentle Yoga, Chair Yoga, and Yoga Nidra/Meditation. 

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Gentle Yoga - January 27, 2025 
18y - 100y N/A 01/27/2025 - 03/10/2025
09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Town Hall - First Floor
$60.00 R, $70.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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