Thursday Nights @ 6-6:45 PM
The idea here is to give beginners who feel ready to take on the intermediate level a chance to learn some more complicated steps and patterns and catch up on the dances the longtime dancers already know. $5 per class, pay as you go.
7-9 PM - Intermediate-level lessons and practice. $7 per class pay as you go. Same as always - a mix of easy intermediate to regular intermediate lessons and just dancing.
Anyone who wants to do both classes in one night would pay $10 instead of $12.
Saturday Night Socials @ 7-10 PM Line Dancing Lessons & Practice
DATES: January 11 & 25 * February 8 & 22* March 1 & 22 * May 3 & 17 &31 * June 21 & 28
Instructor: Ginger Kozlowski
Location of classes: Bedford Town Hall - second floor
COST: **** Pay the instructor directly for this program.
For class details visit:
or call 568-1437
LOCATION: Bedford Town Hall (70 Bedford Ctr Road) across from Bedford Public Library (3 Meetinghouse Road) WHAT TO WEAR: Best shoes are sneakers with fairly flat bottoms, aerobics shoes. Not too grippy. Cowboy boots are fine too, as are shoes with leather soles. No slip-ons or high heels!
For class details visit: E-mail or call 568-1437 **** Pay the instructor directly for this program.
LOCATION: Bedford Town Hall (70 Bedford Ctr Road) across from Bedford Public Library (3 Meetinghouse Road)